Foods And Smoothies To Open And Balance Your Chakras

The body has seven primary chakras, each of which is believed to be a source of spiritual force.
The seven chakras, which are linked to various organs and glands in the human body, control the movement of energy throughout the body. The Sanskrit (wheel) known as the chakra spins and permits energy to enter and leave the body. Each energy center has a corresponding mantra and color.
Additionally, these chakras are a strong link between your mind, body and soul. It has been demonstrated that people who cultivate their seven chakras and live their lives in a spiritual way are more prosperous and content.
The seven chakras start at the base of the spine and travels up to the crown chakra, located at the top of your head, stopping at five other locations along the way. Chakras are spinning "wheels of light" or energy centers in the body. Your chakras pull new energy from the unified field when they are open and functioning at their peak, which nourishes and refreshes your individual energy field and keeps you in good health.
If a chakra is too closed or even too open (overactive), energy is unable to pass through this chakra properly. Because of this, until the person resolves the issues relating to the unbalanced chakras, the soul will have more difficulty developing insight and maturity.
The energy flow via the chakras can become obstructed, blocked, overactive, or underactive, which can have an emotional and physical impact on us. Our chakras are under our control, and we have the ability to balance them on our own through practices like meditation, yoga, introspection, nutrition, energetic healing, crystals, and high vibration. While there are many ways to alter the energy that enters the chakras, one of the most practical ways is through nutrition.
Balance-promoting foods can be used to clear an energy blockage in the chakras
Each color of the rainbow has a corresponding chakra. The foods that help balance the chakra frequently match the chakra's color. For example, green is the color of the heart chakra and green foods such as kiwi, broccoli and kale help clear the root chakra's energy field. You can balance, purify, and cleanse every chakra from the top of your head to the base of your spine with the use of a proper diet. Smoothies are one of the easiest ways to balance your chakras. Each chakra has a specific food list for balancing it. Let's examine the root chakra Muladhara first.
Muladhara: The Root Chakra
This chakra is also known as Base Chakra due to its location, which is at the base of the spine. Your earliest memories contain information on whether or not your basic needs—such as healthy dietary habits, a steady home environment, security, sensitivity, and love—were addressed.
It is symbolized by the color red and is frequently the first system to be affected when something goes wrong with the body's systems. It controls things like the genitalia, intestines, and kidneys.
If the Muladhara chakra is out of balance, you might have worries, anxiety problems, or nightmares. You may feel weak, worn out, or unmotivated when the Muladhara chakra is underactive. You can also get pain in your legs or lower back.
Since an imbalanced base chakra restricts the movement of energy throughout the body, it can also cause restlessness.
Red Foods To Open And Heal Your Root Chakra like strawberries, tomatoes, pomegranates, cherries, red apples, cranberries, watermelons, dragon fruit and raspberries. Vegetables that can help heal your root chakra include beets, rutabagas, garlic, ginger, turnips, red potatoes, red onions, and parsnips. Red beans and lentils are a great protein source for your root chakra, as are tofu, peanut butter and other legumes.
Root Chakra / Muladhara - Red
- ½ cup frozen Cherries
- ½ cup red frozen Dragon Fruit
- ¼ cup Rapsberries
- ½ cup Plant Milk
- Blend until thick and creamy.
Svadhishtana: Sacral Chakra
The Svadhistana chakra, which is situated in the pelvic region, just below the navel, is linked to emotions, sexuality, creativity, and pleasure. The second chakra is the seat of your life force energy of kundalini. This chakra has an effect on a number of organs and glands within the human body, including the lymphatic system, the bladder, the pelvic area, the large intestine, and the female reproductive organs. It also has an association with taste.
The second chakra controls feelings, perceptions, closeness, and communication. Water energy, which is nurturing, calming, flowing, flexible, and dynamic, controls it. A healthy sacral chakra aids in control and balance in your life.
If your Svadhistana chakra is balanced, you will feel at ease being intimate or sharing with others, have a positive sexual identity, and fully appreciate life's pleasures. You also actively pursue your creativity and have a zest for life.
When your Sacral Chakra is unbalanced, you feel undeserving of love. You could feel highly insecure and mistrust yourself as a result of this imbalance.
You may balance out an unbalanced sacral chakra by consuming foods that are orange. These work well as natural mood lifters and immunity builders. Your genital organs, lower back, kidneys, glands, bladders, and bowels can all be fortified by them.
Melons, mangos, tangerines, mandarins, sweet potatoes, carrots, turmeric, pumpkin, squash, persimmons and oranges are a few examples of foods that might enhance your sacral chakra. These orange chakra foods not only have a vibrant orange color but also a high water content that will keep this energy center open and flowing.
Orange Sacral Chakra / Svadhishthana
Sacral Chakra / Svadhishthana - Orange
- ½ cup Papaya
- ½ cup frozen Mango
- Juice of 1 Lime
- ½ cup fresh Orange Juice
- Blend until smooth.
Manipura: Solar Plexus Chakra
Your inner sun, or personal force, is the focus of the third chakra. As a result, yellow foods that support our body and mental health are supported by the solar plexus. The third chakra, which is the origin of your ego and sense of self-worth, is situated midway between your navel and sternum. Your solar plexus chakra, which serves as the source of your inner strength, is where you find your authentic true self.
This chakra supplies nutritive energy to most of the main organs of digestion and detoxification which includes the pancreas, stomach, gallbladder, liver, spleen, lumbar vertebrae, adrenals, and general digestive system.
The energy that contributes to willpower, self-control, ambition, and personal transformation is housed in the Manipura chakra. This chakra fosters a sense of direction and purpose when it is in balance. The fire element is in charge of the third chakra. Intuition and self-esteem concerns must be adjusted for the third chakra to be healthy and balanced.
Low self-esteem, a feeling of helplessness, and a lack of confidence are all symptoms of an unbalanced Manipura chakra. When maintained in balance, our self-worth, self-esteem, personal power, ego clarity, willpower, ambition, and creativity are shown.
Yellow foods to help open the Solar Plexus Chakra are bananas, yellow peppers, pineapple, yellow squash, yellow lentils, sweet corn, peaches, nectarines, and oats.
Solar Plexus Chakra / Manipura - Yellow
- 1 Banana
- 1 cup frozen Pineapple
- ¼ cup frozen Yellow Squash
- 1 tsp.Lucuma
- ½ cup Coconut Milk
- Blend until smooth.
Anahata: Heart Chakra
The fourth chakra is located in the low center of the chest and symbolizes love and self-acceptance. This is the energy point that supports love, compassion, kindness, and understanding. Here is where you are able to feel love for both yourself and other people. The air element is in charge of the fourth chakra. The lung, immune, circulatory system, and upper body muscle system are connected to the heart chakra.
The heart chakra is all about balance, including finding harmony within yourself as well as with your relationships and whatever is going on in your surroundings. It serves as a bridge between your lower three chakras and top three chakras.
Anahata chakra imbalances can show up emotionally as conceit, excessive self-sacrifice, or a lack of compassion. Anger, jealousy, grief, fear of betrayal, and hatred against oneself and others, particularly in the form of harboring resentment against someone or something, can result from a closed Anahata chakra. One may also feel unworthiness, have heart issues, low self-esteem, low energy, poor digestion, and anger.
To heal the heart energy center from the inside out, eat green foods to help restore its equilibrium. Green foods like green smoothies are one of the easiest ways to balance the fourth chakra.
Heart Chakra / Anahata - Green
- ½ Banana
- ¼ cup Green Apple
- 1 cup Baby Spinach or Kale
- 2 medium Kiwi
- Juice of 1 Lime
- 1 cup Coconut Water or Plant Milk
- Blend until smooth.
Other foods that help open the heart chakra are kale, broccoli, avocados, green cabbage, zucchini, chard, limes, parsley, basil, mung beans, arugula, green apples, kiwis, and green spirulina. Green matcha, basil, thyme, and cilantro will help charge your heart chakra.
Vishuddha: Throat Chakra
The fifth chakra is the energy center of self-expression and communication. The fifth chakra is situated in the middle of your throat and links your Ajna chakra with your heart chakra to allow you to convey your feelings and thoughts. The fifth chakra, which is the first of the spiritual chakras, is the point at which you connect with your true self and bring spirit into the physical world. The throat chakra controls how you speak and interact with others. It is also referred to as the seat of your spiritual voice and is strengthened by calming foods.
The energy of expression, openness, honesty, and communication is housed in the fifth chakra. It enables you to tell your truth in a gentle and straightforward manner. The ether element mostly governs the fifth chakra. Ether is insubstantial, light, and formless.
The foods that balance the chakra energies have less to do with form and more to do with the subtle energies of color. Foods that are blue, such as blueberries, blackberries, blue maize, and borage, are important for the fifth chakra. Blue foods are great for improving the health of your throat, teeth, lungs, neck, and glands like the thyroid and thymus.
When the Vishudha chakra is in balance, you have the capacity to speak your mind, express your emotions, and speak the truth. When you're in a balanced state, you can speak up and advocate for yourself and others.
If your vishudha chakra is out of balance, you might be egocentric, fearful of achievement, or lack confidence. This chakra imbalance can result in blocked communication, misunderstandings, a voice that is muffled, a lack of assertiveness, and egotistical feelings.
If the throat chakra receives enough moisture from high-water fruits it can remain open and become receptive to, and comfortable with, speaking the truth. Eating foods that are blue in color can help to restore equilibrium. Blue foods that are helpful for opening the throat chakra are figs, blueberries, blackberries, coconut water, purple potatoes, blue spirulina, borage oil, and red cabbage.
Throat Chakra / Vishuddha - Blue
- 2 frozen Bananas
- 1 tsp Blue Spirulina Powder
- ¼ cup Blueberries
- ½ cup Plant Milk
- Blend until thick and creamy.
Ajna: Third Eye Chakra
The sixth chakra, often known as the third eye, is where intuition resides. Its energy invites additional sensory sensations, instincts, and hunches to enter your awareness. The sixth chakra is connected to the element of light. Your mastermind connects to a new kind of wisdom from beyond this world at the sixth chakra, also known as the brow chakra or the third eye, which gives you great insights that will help you overcome any difficulty.
A third eye chakra that is in balance might be thought of as having an awakened spiritual eye or intuition. You begin to become conscious at the sixth chakra.
The third eye, which is the seat of wisdom, enables us to focus, see clearly, and have faith in our own intuitions. Associated with the pineal gland, neurotransmitters, brows, eyes, forehead, and control of hormone production.
The Ajna chakra is situated in the lower portion of the forehead, directly between the eyes. Brilliant indigo is the color of the Ajna chakra, which gives us the ability to develop our intuitive abilities and other talents.
An open, quiet, and balanced Ajna chakra possesses the traits of growth, intuition, clarity, stillness, and openness. Additionally, when you are in harmony, you will feel entirely in touch with the physical and energetic worlds.
When out of balance, you experience feelings of rage, frustration, incapacity to forgive, inability to believe your instincts, emotional stagnation, and being stuck. You cannot trust your "gut emotions" and you can feel as though your intuition is off. Additionally, you can start to experience emotional stagnation and become closed off to fresh perspectives.
By treating the eyes, nose, and sinuses, the sixth chakra awakens your mind and body to the spiritual side of life. The brain, pineal gland, and neurological system can all benefit from it.
Purple-hued foods, such as purple grapes, figs, eggplants, purple kale, purple cabbage, plums, purple kale, poppy seeds, walnuts, purple potatoes, and lavender tea, support the sixth chakra.
Indigo Third Eye Chakra / Ajna
Third-Eye Chakra / Ajna - Indigo
- ½ cup Blueberries
- ½ cup Blackberries
- ½ cup Elderberries
- 1 tsp. Chia Seeds
- ½ cup Water or Plant Milk
- Blend until smooth.
Sahasrara: Crown Chakra
The crown chakra, sometimes referred to as the thousand-petal lotus, is situated either at the top of the head or just above it. Because of its energy's profusion in countless directions, this chakra is also known as the thousand-petaled lotus. There is no form-based element related to this chakra because all elements originate from the world of form. It is associated with unadulterated consciousness. The Sahasrara Chakra, which is regarded as the most significant of all the chakras, respects spiritual interconnectedness, as it enlightens you. The crown chakra focuses on inner peace and the central nervous system.
It stands for the capacity to be completely connected to oneself, others, and spirit as well as enlightenment, consciousness, ecstasy, wisdom, and bliss. The brain, hypothalamus, pituitary gland, and nerve system are all connected to the crown chakra.
The crown chakra, which is the highest of the body's major chakras, supports foods that are good for the brain. Thus, taking these foods in their natural physical state can benefit the nervous system, endocrine system, eyes, memory, and sleep.
Your brilliant spiritual heart and link to Source are located in the seventh chakra. The nourishment for your crown chakra, which is more spirit than earth, truly comes from things other than food, such as love and a strong connection to the Divine.
When the crown chakra is open, you may feel more adaptable, unscathed by setbacks, aware of the tides of life, and able to see things more clearly.
You might feel uncoordinated, clumsy, out of step, uninspired, or stiff in your thinking when the Sahasrara chakra is underactive.
When opening your crown chakra, the emphasis is more on fasting and cleansing than on eating. The spiritual component of our bodies and minds is more the focus.
Eating small meals and practicing a spirit-uplifting activity like meditation helps energize your crown chakra. Violet foods such as acai, passion fruit, and purple potatoes that are high in antioxidants help detox and clear the crown chakra.
Crown Chakra / Sahasrara- Violet, White
Crown Chakra / Sahasrara- Violet, White
- 1 cup frozen Acai
- ½ cup Passion Fruit (can be frozen)
- ¼ cup cooked Purple Potato (can be frozen)
- 1 cup Plant Milk
- Blend until smooth.
One of the best means of both healing and preventing disease is through food.
The chakras will occasionally require additional care to be balanced.
To stay balanced and undamaged, it's crucial to take daily care of each chakra through a diversified diet. To keep a well-nourished body, mind, and chakras, drink one of these chakra-balancing smoothies every day. They can be altered for your personal taste, so be creative in combining these nourishing foods.
Eating a variety of colors at each meal will help in maintaining the harmony of the chakras.
While each chakra will periodically require special care, the best approach is to keep them all in balance and to give each one daily attention. Consume a diversified diet rich in flavors, textures, and colors. Practice intermittent fasting, spend time in the sun, sip on healthy teas, and deeply breathe fresh air. Your chakras, body, mind, and soul will all be fed.
Looking for a nutritional boost to enhance your chakra smoothie bowl? Try adding a vegan Beauty Elixir or vegan Protein Peptides Collagen Powder in chocolate and vanilla.
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