20 Ways To Detox, Decalcify, and Boost The Pineal Gland Naturally

The pineal gland is a small, soybean-sized gland located in the brain. Due to age and lifestyle factors, it can calcify, which prevents it from working effectively.
Fortunately, you can incorporate a few easy-to-implement changes in your daily life to boost, detox, and decalcify the pineal gland naturally.
What Do We Know About the Pineal Gland?
You’ve probably heard of the pineal gland due to its production of melatonin—the hormone that helps control your sleep cycle and regulates reproductive hormones. While there is still a lot of research to be done about its functions, humankind has known about the pineal gland since ancient times.
Known as the third eye, the Eye of Horus, and the seat of the soul, many early theorists presumed the pineal gland was a mysterious and mystical link between mind and body —— and some of those beliefs still hold true today.
- Two opposing ancient Greek theories thought that the pineal gland was either a psychic “instrument of the soul” or a gland that regulated blood flow.
- René Descartes thought it was the “principal seat of the soul” and the “source of all thought.”
- Because of its placement on the center of the head, ancient Egyptians also believe the Eye of Horus is a stand-in for the pineal gland and represents health and healing.
- Hindu deities depicted with a third eye have led to the belief that the third eye—or the sixth chakra—is, in fact, the pineal gland. Awakening your third eye can lead to increased concentration, intuitiveness, and spiritual awareness.
So while detoxing the pineal gland can be beneficial to your overall health, there are also long-held spiritual beliefs that emphasize its importance.
Is Calcification of the Pineal Gland Really a Bad Thing?
In general, calcification isn’t always bad. Your body needs calcium to function, and sometimes that calcium builds up and hardens on different parts of the body: tissues, organs, arteries—and in the case of the pineal gland—in your brain.
Again, while calcification doesn’t have to be a negative bodily process, there are times where it can affect optimal organ function or cause major health problems. And, interestingly enough, the pineal gland has the highest rate of calcification of any organ or tissue in your body —— which can cause your body to stop producing melatonin.
Decreased functioning of the pineal gland has been said to cause:
- Disrupted sleep patterns
- Insomnia
- Depression
- Migraines
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Schizophrenia
- Disrupted menstrual cycles
- Fertility problems
- Some forms of cancer
What Causes Pineal Gland Calcification?
Two things are at play here: First, the older you get, the more your pineal gland shrinks. Second, the older you get the more your pineal gland naturally calcifies. Both of those things mean a decrease in the production of melatonin.
However, it’s important to note that even infants have been found to have calcification in their pineal glands. So age isn’t a factor in and of itself.
Lifestyle Factors
Chronic illness and high metabolic activity can also lead to increased levels of pineal gland calcification. These theories, however, are still being studied.
Can You Really Decalcify the Pineal Gland?
Yes. In fact, this NCBI study had researchers perform pineal gland transplants.
The problem? They realized that the transplanted or grafted pineal glands weren’t very effective. Their conclusion? The best way to improve pineal gland function is decalcification.
Here’s how:
20 Ways To Decalcify the Pineal Gland Naturally
Wondering how to boost, detox, and decalcify your pineal gland naturally? Here are 20 simple methods that you can try that involve small but effective changes to your lifestyle and diet.
Lifestyle Changes
1. Try Breathwork, Yoga, or Meditation
The pineal gland is also known as the third eye, the sixth chakra, or the Ajna, and there are a variety of yoga sequences, meditations, and breathwork that target it. The goal is to balance, open, or awaken the third eye; and doing so is said to increase your intuition and inner wisdom.
Check out these easy-to-follow exercises or these four meditations that you can do at home.
2. Go Sungazing
This is an ancient practice where you gaze at the sun during specific times of day (i.e., sunrise and sunset). Sungazing is safe, but you need to know what you’re doing. So do your research, start slowly, and work up to longer sungazing sessions.
The benefits of sungazing—aside from decalcifying the pineal gland—include a boost in your mood, improved eyesight, reduced stress, and better sleep.
3. Avoid Blue Light
Blue light is what comes from our phones, TVs, and electronics. Taking your phone to bed or watching TV shortly before going to sleep can disrupt your sleep/wake cycle.
Put electronics away an hour or so before going to bed, and wind down by reading a book or by doing yoga instead.
4. Get a Good Night's Sleep
Proper pineal gland function means getting a full 8-hours of sleep a night, exposing yourself to natural light during the day, and shutting off electronics before you head to bed. The more you take care of yourself, the better your pineal gland will take care of you.
5. Limit or Eliminate Fluoride
Why? Because fluoride is a chemical (and is even used as a pesticide) that lurks in your tap water and toothpaste. Plus, the pineal gland attracts fluoride which adds to calcium buildup and causes the gland to fail.
Limit your fluoride intake by installing a water filter (though do your research, because not all water filters are capable of filtering out fluoride) and switching to a fluoride-free toothpaste.
Alternatively, you can talk to your dentist about how to decrease the amount of fluoride toothpaste you do use.
6. Watch Your Calcium Intake
Limit or eliminate your consumption of calcium supplements and processed foods. They contain calcium in the forms of calcium phosphate, calcium carbonate, and dicalcium phosphate—which aren’t great for your body and lead to calcification.
However, do continue to eat calcium-rich foods like dairy, green leafy vegetables (e.g., kale and okra), and fish—which provide the type of calcium your body needs.
7. Use Essential Oils
Essential oils can be used to stimulate the third eye, remove heavy metals from the pineal gland, and encourage tissue renewal. Some oils to use include:
- Peppermint
- Sage
- Clove
- Myrrh
Dietary Changes
8. Improve Your Diet
That seems simple, right? There are plenty of foods that are high in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins that can combat calcification of the pineal gland.
Maintaining a healthy balanced diet, choosing organic when possible, and eating proper portions are key to getting your body the nutrients it needs to function.
A healthy diet can directly help your pineal gland because:
- Consuming foods that are high in antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins combats calcification;
- You can decrease calcification of the pineal gland by eating organic or non-GMO foods that have a lower amount of pesticides (pesticides can cause calcification);
- Consuming fresh foods is a more effective way of getting the nutrients you need. Your body can absorb nutrients from fresh food better than those found in supplement form.
Some of the best foods to combat pineal gland calcification are:
- Seaweed
- Beets and beet juice
- Aloe vera
- Garlic
- Leafy greens
- Chaga mushrooms
- Apple cider vinegar
- Raw cacao
9. Opt for Chlorophyll-Rich Foods
You can also improve your diet by making conscious choices about the types of foods you eat. That includes adding foods high in chlorophyll to the rotation.
Why? These foods—think dark leafy greens—help detoxify the body, get rid of fluoride, and pack a nutrient-dense punch in a small serving. Some foods to consider are:
- Spirulina
- Chlorella
- Wheatgrass
- Blue-green algae
- Spinach
- Parsley
- Collard greens
- Arugula
- Broccoli
10. Drink Chaga Tea
Chaga tea comes from the Chaga mushroom, a potent antioxidant. Among other benefits, it can increase melatonin production and reverse hormonal imbalances.
11. Drink Raw Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar helps the body in three distinct ways: it removes toxins, boosts the immune system, and helps replenish essential nutrients. How does it do this? Thanks to malic acid.
In order to get the best health benefits, you’ll want raw apple cider vinegar found in a glass bottle.
Eat Chocolate
More specifically, raw cacao. It’s a major superfood antioxidant that helps detox your pineal gland. Just make sure it’s raw. Raw cacao can be found in powdered form. But it can also be found in high concentrations in dark chocolate.
13. Don’t Forget Your Herbs & Spices
There are many herbs and spices that can be added to your food or taken as a supplement to help detox the pineal gland and rid it of excess calcium, fluoride, and other harmful substances.
Some, like turmeric, neutralize the toxicity found in fluoride. Others, like St. John’s wort, have high levels of melatonin. And yet others, like thyme, are good to use in conjunction with certain supplements. Thyme is especially important to use when taking iodine supplements, for example, because it helps prevent calcium deficiency.
- Thyme
- Parsley
- Cat's claw
- St. John's wort
- Chinese licorice
- Turmeric
Take a Supplement
14. Melatonin vs. Phytomelatonin
Melatonin is a hormone produced naturally in the body by the pineal gland. The hormone is released into the bloodstream to help our bodies relax and get restful sleep.
Melatonin production can be reduced with bright lights and blue light from computers and phones. It's a good idea to limit screen time one to two hours before bed.
Melatonin may not only be beneficial in regulating the timing of our circadian rhythms and sleep. NCCIH studies are being done to test melatonin's impact on cancer and viruses.
Melatonin supplements are derived from either animal organs and tissues or are made in a lab synthetically. By providing your body with direct melatonin, it may determine that production doesn't need to happen within the pineal gland and natural production stops.
Phytomelatonin on the other hand is the natural melatonin found in plants. When these plants are consumed, the phytomelatonin is used by the pineal gland to convert it to melatonin. This provides a more natural way to supplement this vital hormone.
15. Activator X
The beauty of activator X, a combination of vitamins K1 and K2, is that it rids calcium from the pineal gland while redirecting that same calcium to the parts of the body that need it. Like your teeth and bones.
16. Boron
Boron, or boric acid, helps protect the body against fluoride. You can purchase boric acid in powder form or include boron-rich foods in your diet.
Foods high in boron include:
- Avocados
- Beets
- Bananas
- Walnuts
- Beans
17. Iodine
Iodine is another crucial supplement to consider taking in the battle to detoxify your pineal gland. It is extremely efficient at removing heavy metals like fluoride, mercury, lead, and aluminum, from the body via your urine.
Look for an iodine solution of 2% to 5% or add iodine-rich foods like seaweed or kelp to your diet.
Sea Moss is another supplement that’s high in iodine and provides other health benefits because of its mineral density.
18. MSM
MSM, or methylsulfonylmethane, is an organic sulfur compound that can help treat sulfur deficiency. Taken orally, it can dissolve the calcium phosphate crystals that cause calcification of the pineal gland.
An MSM supplement is also known to reduce inflammation and provide pain relief.
Alternatively, you can add sulfur-rich foods to your diet like:
- Nuts
- Legumes
- Whole grains
- Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage)
- Allium vegetables (garlic, onions)
19. Neem Extract & Oregano Oil
These substances help purify the pineal gland (by removing calcification) and cleanse the entire endocrine system (which the pineal gland is a part of). They can also help prevent future calcification by acting as an antibiotic that shields the pineal gland from forming calcium buildup.
While oregano oil has been more well-known in western medicine, neem extract has been used in India for thousands of years.
20. Fulvic Acid & Humic Acid
Fulvic and humic acid are powerful (and natural) substances that you can use to detox the body of toxins and heavy metals, while also providing the body with well-needed antioxidants that balance the endocrine system.
Both can be taken in supplement form, or they can be found in shilajit, a natural substance that forms in rocks in the Himalayas thanks to the extremely slow (we’re talking centuries here) decomposition of plants.
The pineal gland not only is the organ for sleep and mood, but it also may be the transmitter that connects us to higher consciousness. By decalcifying, detoxing, and boosting the pineal gland with natural foods, herbs, and botanicals, we can live a more authentic life, slow the aging process, and make better decisions that are based on love and abundance for all.
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